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Bid procedure titleBidding organizerDate publishedValid until
Request for Proposals № 3799323
Delivery of the turning and screw-cutting machine of LLC "Donkarb Graphite" according to the Requirements Specification. Details in the terms of reference. Participation of regional suppliers.
Поставка токарно-винторезного станка ООО "Донкарб Графит" согласно ТЗ. Подробности в техническом задании. Участие региональных поставщиков.
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO20.09.2024 13:2327.09.2024 14:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Горно-шахтное оборудование
Request for Proposals № 3797491
Repair of the flow-transport system (PTS) of the PV 2.5x40 calcining furnace Details in the terms of reference. It is mandatory to load Technical and Commercial Proposals, estimates.
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO20.09.2024 10:2125.09.2024 18:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Announcement of sale № 3796887
Sale: Unclaimed goods - spare parts Bushings, rings, gaskets, cuffs, seals, etc.
... .СД2-0600 *Втулка 5МН02.00.01 графит силицированны *Кольцо уплотнительное 69х3,0 *Кольцо ... Р-12"""" *Втулка 5МН02.00.01 графит силицированны *КОЛЬЦО УПЛОТНИТЕЛЬНОЕ 53,0Х3,0 ... -12"""" *Кольцо уплотнительное 300х6 Вкладыш из графита 8ке263.801а *Прокладка поз.10 к ...
"SIBUR" OOO18.09.2024 18:0902.10.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Announcement of sale № 3796889
Sale: Unclaimed goods - spare parts Bushings, rings, gaskets, cuffs, seals, etc.
... ответственностью "СИБУР" *Дет. графитов ОПЗ 372.00.00 Деталь чОПЗ ... (180419.004-032) Кольцо графит черт. 8ВШ.217.880а *Кольцо ... 180419.019-032) *Часть запасная графит СПС 146.02.002 *КОЛЬЦО ... СПС 168.02.002 графит *Часть запасная графит СПС 146.02.001 ...
"SIBUR" OOO18.09.2024 18:1202.10.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Announcement of sale № 3796880
Sale: Unclaimed goods - spare parts Bushings, rings, gaskets, seals, bellows
... адаптера сильфона 557397-36 *Кольцо графит. поз.11 к нас.поз.НОР ... /F06/198(H1751-739 *Кольцо графит. МД 100 85.68х79.3х4 ... *Кольцо уплотнительное 210х3,5 *Кольцо графит. МД 100 73х66.63х3.3 * ... *Прокладка втулки 19 568225 *Кольцо графит. МД 100 66.28х59.94х3.2 ...
"SIBUR" OOO18.09.2024 18:0402.10.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Трубы металлические
Request for Proposals № 3794041
Delivery of steel 20 pipes according to the Requirements Specification. Uploading Commercial Proposals and all documentation is mandatory. The contract is in the Buyer's form.
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO17.09.2024 09:4724.09.2024 10:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Металлоизделия по чертежам
Request for Proposals № 3795075
graphite section 3511KL01-013-020-000 SAT - 140 pcs products according to drawings - 4853
секция графита 3511KL01-013-020-000 СБ - 140 шт изделия по чертежам - 4853
OOO "AKKERMANN TSEMENT"17.09.2024 15:1424.09.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Строительные материалы
Request for Proposals № 3792795
Applicants for the supply of face bricks in Ust-Labinsk, Oktyabrskaya str. 49 (residential building) are being considered. 1. Brick face Kr-l-pu 250x120x65, 1NF, White - 71 760 pcs. 2. Brick face Kr-l-pu 250x120x65, 1NF, Ivory - 23 922 pcs. 3. Brick face Kr-l-pu 250x120x65, 1NF, Graphite - 8 304 pcs.
Рассматриваются претенденты на поставку кирпича лицевого в г. Усть-Лабинск, ул. Октябрьская 49 (жилой дом). Кирпич лицевой пустотелый: 1. КР-л-пу 250х120х88 1,4НФ/200/1,4/100 БЕЛЫЙ - 57 690 шт. 2. КР-л-пу 250х120х88 1,4НФ/200/1,4/100 СЛОНОВАЯ КОСТЬ (светло-серый) - 19 232 шт. 3. КР-л-пу 250х120х88 1,4НФ/200/1,4/100 ГРАФИТ - 8 304 шт.
FILIAL «GLAVSTROI-SPB SPETsIALIZIROVANNYI ZASTROIShchIK» V MOSKOVSKOI OBLASTI OOO16.09.2024 09:5320.09.2024 16:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Дороги, мосты, эстакады
Request for Proposals № 3791805
Installation of an access road to the chlorination department of graphite Block No. 4 It is necessary to build a concrete road along the existing railway track
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO16.09.2024 11:1326.09.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Топливо, ГСМ
Request for Proposals № 3793096
Request for the supply of coconut in October 2024 according to the request
3793096 Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ЭЛ 6" Эл6 Новосибирск Эл6 Новочеркасск ООО "Донкарб Графит"
OOO "EL 6"16.09.2024 14:5920.09.2024 16:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Топливо, ГСМ
Request for Proposals № 3793144
Request for the supply of coke fines in October 2024 according to the request
3793144 Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ЭЛ 6" Эл6 Новочеркасск ООО "Донкарб Графит"
OOO "EL 6"16.09.2024 14:5820.09.2024 16:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Металлоизделия по чертежам
Request for Proposals № 3791658
Manufacturing of parts according to drawings in accordance with this technical specification. The attachment of a Commercial Proposal is mandatory. The provision of a complete package of documents is mandatory.
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO13.09.2024 13:0819.09.2024 13:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Организация мероприятий
Request for Proposals № 3784879
Holding corporate events for the anniversary of the enterprise 2024 The attachment of a Commercial Proposal is mandatory. The provision of a complete package of documents is mandatory.
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO09.09.2024 12:0320.09.2024 14:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Грузоподъемное оборудование и складская техника
Request for Proposals № 3787814
Delivery of hook suspensions in accordance with the Requirements Specification Uploading Commercial Proposals and all documentation is mandatory. The contract is in the Buyer's form.
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO10.09.2024 13:5317.09.2024 10:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Модульные здания
Request for Proposals № 3789581
Manufacturing and installation of a 6x12 m household unit from sandwich panels on a metal frame Manufacturing of a household room with a size of 6000x12000mm, H = 2700mm from profiled pipes with lining of the frame with sandwich panels. A more detailed scope of work in the LSR. Loading Commercial Proposals is mandatory.
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO12.09.2024 11:1019.09.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Энергетическое оборудование
Request for Proposals № 3789684
Evaporation cooler OBA-2M - 1 pc. according to the Requirements Specification Uploading Commercial Proposals and all documentation is mandatory. The contract is in the Buyer's form.
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO12.09.2024 11:1019.09.2024 10:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Кабели и электротехническая продукция
Request for Proposals № 3785620
Supply of low-voltage equipment according to Requirements Specifications. the contract is in the Buyer's editorial office, downloading commercial offers is mandatory, offers with a delivery time of no more than 30 calendar days are considered. Equivalents are acceptable without deterioration of consumer properties of no more than 30% of the total volume
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO09.09.2024 12:0313.09.2024 10:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Металлоизделия по чертежам
Request for Proposals № 3786302
Manufacturing of parts according to drawings in accordance with this technical specification. The attachment of a Commercial Proposal is mandatory. The provision of a complete package of documents is mandatory.
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO09.09.2024 14:3513.09.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Грузоподъемное оборудование и складская техника
Request for Proposals № 3786324
Delivery of crane components in accordance with the Requirements Specification (TCG brake). Delivery of crane components in accordance with the technical task. The loading of Commercial Proposals and a complete set of documents is mandatory. The Contract is in the Buyer's editorial office.
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO09.09.2024 14:3413.09.2024 13:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Кабели и электротехническая продукция
Request for Proposals № 3786332
Supply of low-voltage equipment according to Requirements Specifications. the contract is in the Buyer's editorial office, downloading commercial offers is mandatory, offers with a delivery time of no more than 40 calendar days are considered. Equivalents are acceptable without deterioration of consumer properties of no more than 30% of the total volume
ООО "Донкарб Графит"
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO09.09.2024 14:3513.09.2024 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
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