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Другие языки:

1. General terms and definitions

Term wording(s)


Supplier accreditation

A set of measures taken according to the rules and procedure established by a specific Organizer, and aimed at determining, if a Member is in the position to participate in Calls for Bids of the Organizer. Such check is based on examination of the documents provided by a Member to the Organizer, and its result is granting, by the Organizer to a Member, of a special status confirming the access to participation in calls for bids carried out by the Organizer.

Special Offer

Time-limited special offer as to a Member’s working in the System.

Alternative offer (bid)

An offer being additional to the main one and containing one or more organizational and technical solutions, commercial solutions, parameters of the offered Products or contract terms being different compared to those contained in the main offer.

Item equivalent (Equivalent of an item)

An offer as to an Item, containing the parameters of the offered Products altered compared to those required by the Organizer.

Buyer’s Auction

Competitive method of procurement implying a mandatory conclusion of a contract with the Winner (if one has been selected), where the Organizer informs the Suppliers in advance of their requirement of the Products, invites to submit the Bids, and the Auction Committee pre-appointed by the Organizer examines those Bids and selects the Winner as the person complying with the requirements of the Documentation and offering the lowest contract price.

Seller’s auction

Competitive method of sale implying a mandatory contract conclusion with the Winner (if one is selected), where the Organizer informs Buyers, in advance, of selling the Products, invites them to submit their Bids, and the Auction Committee pre-appointed by the Organizer examines those Bids and selects the Winner being a person complying with the requirements of the Documentation and offering the highest contract price.

Main User

A User authorized to perform an entire range of actions related to working in the Personal Workspace, preparation, publication, editing and completion of a Procedure (Call for Bids) and (or) preparation, submitting, editing and withdrawal of a Bid under a Procedure (Call for Bids).

Dutch Auction

Competitive method of procurement (sale) not constituting a Competitive bidding process, where an Organizer informs the Suppliers (Buyers) in advance of their requirement for procuring or selling the Products, invites to submit the Bids; examines those Bids and selects the Winner as the person complying with the requirements of the Documentation and being the first to agree to the contract price stated in the Bid Notice in accordance with the rules of a Dutch Auction.
Following the results of a Dutch Auction, a Customer (Seller) shall be under no obligation to select the Winner and enter into a contract with them.

Bid submission deadline

Date and time of expiration of the period of Bids submission by the Bidders for a Stage of a Procedure. Depending on a Stage of the Procedure, specified may be: the date and time of the end of submission of bids for prequalification stage, date and time of the end of submission of bids for rebidding, etc.

Bid-related documentation/ Documentation

A set of documents containing necessary and sufficient information for participation in the Procedure, including the subject matter of the Procedure, requirements for Bidders, conditions of participation and rules of the Procedure, rules as to preparation, execution and submission of Bids, rules of Winner selection or forming the list of Bidders for further conduct of a Call for Bids (procuring or selling).
When used to describe a particular Procedure, the term “bid-related documentation” may be referred to as “procurement documentation”, “pre-qualification documentation”, “tender documentation”, “auction documentation”, reverse auction documentation”, “RFP documentation”, “RFQ documentation”, “documentation of competitive negotiations”.

Secondary User

A User authorized to act in accordance with the rights granted, except for publishing a Call for Bids and sending, editing, and withdrawal of a Bid under a Call for Bids.


Any legal entity or individual, including an individual entrepreneur, being the owner of funds or their rightful holder, in whose interests a Procurement Procedure is conducted.

Federal Law No.223-FZ

Federal Law No. 223-FZ "On procurement of goods, works and services by legal entities of certain types" of July 18, 2011.

Closed (private) call for bids

A Procedure, where only the Full Members deliberately invited by the Organizer can participate.

Closed bid submission

A parameter of a Procedure, which, when activated, makes the information on the Bidders’ Bids at bids submission stage only available to the submitting Bidders themselves. In a procedure with a closed bid submission, no automatic extension of bid submission period applies.

Private Part of the System

A part of the System only available to the Members.

Single-source procurement

Non-competitive procurement method, where the Customer offers enter into a contract to a single Supplier (Contractor) without conducting any competitive supplier selection procedures.

Request for Proposals/ RFP

Competitive method of procurement, where the Organizer informs the Suppliers in advance of their requirement of the Products, invites them to submit their Bids; examines those Bids and selects the Winner as the person complying with the requirements of the Documentation and offering the best contract performance conditions as per a set of criteria defined in the Documentation.
Following the results of an RFP, the Customer shall be under no obligation to select the Winner and enter into a contract with them.

Request for Quotations/ RFQ

Competitive method of procurement, where the Organizer informs the Suppliers in advance of their requirement of the Products, invites them to submit their Bids, examines those Bids and selects the Winner as the person complying with the requirements of the Documentation and offering the lowest contract price.
Following the results of an RFQ, the Customer shall be under no obligation to select the Winner and enter into a contract with them.

Registered Member

A Member having no Full Access to the System.


The information submitted by a Bidder in the form of a set of fields filled in in the interface and uploaded documents, containing the Bidder's proposal to conclude a contract for the supply (purchase) of the Products on the conditions defined in the Documentation.

Bid notice

A set of fields completed by the Organizer in the System interface and uploaded documents containing the information on the Procedure and Lots of the Procedure.


A period of time comprising three calendar months (a Quarter to be counted from the beginning of a calendar year).

Procurement committee

A collegial body appointed by the Organizer for making decisions within a certain Procedure.
When used to describe a particular Procedure, the term Procurement Committee may be referred to as Tender Committee, Auction Committee, Reverse Auction Committee.

Competitive negotiations

Competitive method of procurement, where the Organizer informs the Suppliers in advance of their requirement of the Products, invites them to submit their Bids, examines those Bids and, based on the negotiations with the Bidders, selects the Winner as the person complying with the requirements of the Documentation and offering the best contract performance conditions as per a set of criteria defined in the Documentation.
Following the results of Competitive Negotiations, the Customer shall be under no obligation to select the Winner and enter into a contract with them.

Competitive procedures / Competitive procurement methods

Procedures implying competition among Bidders.


Competitive method of procurement, implying a mandatory contract conclusion with the Winner (if one is selected), where the Organizer informs the Suppliers in advance of their requirement of the Products, invites them to submit their Bids, and the Tender Committee pre-appointed by the Organizer examines those Bids and selects the Winner as the person complying with the requirements of the Documentation and offering the best contract performance terms based on a set of criteria established in the Documentation.

Personal Workspace

An element of the Private Part of the System, automated User’s workspace.


A part of the procured (sold) Products, clearly self-contained in the Documentation, for which, within the Procedure, a separate Bid can be submitted and a separate contract can be concluded.
The legal status of Multi-lot Procedures shall be defined based on the fact that such Procedure is, in essence, several (as many as the number of lots) concurrently conducted Procedures under the same Bid Documentation.

Multi-criterial procedure

A mode (option) of carrying out a Procedure, enabling the Organizer to use, as the criteria of evaluation of the submitted Bids and selection of the Bidders, formalized values (parameters), being characteristic of:

  • economic, technical, organizational, financial, legal preferability of an offer in terms of meeting a Customer’s (Seller’s) requirements;
  • Bidder’s reliability based on their past performance, business reputation, availability of materials and equipment, production resources, manpower, financial and information resources.

Multi-lot procedure

Method of conducting a Procedure, enabling the Organizer to hold a Call for Bids (for procuring) in several separate Lots and conclude a contract with the Winner (Winners) for individual Lots to generate a maximum value, whereby the Bidders may submit their bids for separate Lots of the Procedure.

Multi-stage procedure

A Procedure being carried out in two or more stages.
Following the results of each stage (except for the last one), the Organizer is supposed to update the provisions of Bid Documentation (including, by negotiating with the Bidders) and, therefore, the Bidders are supposed to submit their updated Bids for the text stage.

Initial price

The maximum permissible contract price specified by the Organizer in the Bid Notice.
When used to describe a specific procedure, the term Initial price may be detailed to read as: the initial procedure price, the initial lot price, the initial item price.

Non-competitive procedures

The Procedures not implying competition among the Bidders.

Announcement of sale

Competitive method of sale, where the Organizer informs the Buyers in advance of selling the Products, invites them to submit their Bids, examines those Bids and selects the Winner as the person complying with the requirements of the Documentation and offering the highest contract price.
Following the results of Announcement of Sale, the Seller shall be under no obligation to select the Winner and enter into a contract with them.


The Russian Classification of Economic Activities.


The Russian Classification of Products by Economic Activity.

System Operator (the Company) / Operator

AO Economy Development Center.

Paid Period

Period (timespan), during which the Operator provides, to the Members that have paid for provision of the rights to use the System, a remote access to the functionality of B2B-Center System via the Internet as stipulated by separate agreements concluded with the Members, as well as as provided for by the Operator's Pricing Plans available at: https://www.b2b-center.ru/app/tariffs/?group=supplier

Organizer of a Call for Bids/ Organizer

A Customer or Specialized Organization immediately performing the actions provided for by a Procedure.
The term ”Organizer” may be supplemented in the System by an attributive relevant to a Procedure, namely, Tender Organizer, RFQ Organizer, etc.

Cancellation of a call for bids

Please refer to Procedure Cancellation.

Open (non-restrictive) procedure

A Procedure where any Full Member can participate.

Open bid submission

Parameter of a Procedure, implying that the Bidders’ price offers and (or) other forms of a Bid established by the Organizer, are available to the Visitors and System Members at the Bids submission stage, while the Bidders’ names remain hidden.
Open bid submission provides for a Bidder’s ability to edit a Bid several times (where the last submitted Bid is deemed a valid one) and automatic extension of bid submission period as established by the System Regulations.

Open part of the System

Part of the System available to all Internet users.

Procedure Cancellation

Official statement by the Organizer on their intention not to select the Winner.


Additional element of a Call for Bids (for procuring or selling) implying a willfull improvement of Bids, within a stage of the Procedure specially arranged for that purpose, by reduction (increase) of price of the initial Bids by the Bidders, if it is provided for by the Bid Documentation, or by improvement of other terms contained in a Bid.
Depending on a bid submission form, the term Rebidding may be specified to read as “by-correspondence rebidding” (in the procedures with closed bid submission) or “online rebidding” (in the procedures with open bid submission).


A Bidder complying with the requirements of the Documentation and offering the best contract performance terms against the criteria established by a particular Procedure and so declared by the Organizer.


A product item being a part of the procured (sold) Products, for which, within a Procedure, a separate proposal can be submitted to be a component part of a Bidder’s Bid.


A legal person or individual, including a sole entrepreneur, being able to lawfully buy the Products being sold.

Full Access

The right to use extended features and perform legally binding acts (transactions) in the System resulting from acquiring the Operator’s Pricing Plan or activating the account free of charge under a current Special Offer.

Full Member

A Member having a Full Access to the System.


Representative (staff member) of a Member, authorized to perform, in the System, the acts on behalf of a Member.

Per-item procedure (with per-item division)

Method of conducting a Procedure, enabling the Organizer to hold a Call for Bids (for procurement or sale) in separate Items and conclude the contracts with the Winner (Winners) for separate Items to generate the maximum value, whereby the Bidders may submit their Bids for separate Items within the Procedure, unless otherwise provided for by the Procedure.


Any Internet user viewing the information available in the Open Part of the System.


A legal person or individual, including a sole entrepreneur, being able to lawfully supply the required Products. The term “Supplier” may be specified in the System, depending on the subject matter of a call for bids, to read as the “Supplier of Products”, “Contractor” (where the works are procured) or “Provider” (where R&D, engineering, design and survey or technological works are procured).

Prequalification of Bidders

:а) as an independent Procedure – is a Procedure resulting in the Organizer’s forming, in accordance with the requirements and criteria established in the Documentation, the list of Bidders to participate in the upcoming Calls for Bids (for procurement or sale)
:b) as an additional element of a Calls for Bids (for procurement or sale) – is admission of the Bidders based on the requirements and criteria established in the Documentation, preceding submission of Bids containing technical and commercial proposals. Thus, further participation in the Procedure is only available to the Bidders admitted to submission of technical and commercial proposals following the results of a Prequalification of Bidders.


A Member showing interest in a Procedure by submitting a request for downloading Bid Documentation, as well requesting clarification of the provisions of the Documentation from the Organizer.


Any legal or natural person, including, an individual entrepreneur, in whose interests Sale Procedures are conducted.

Products (Goods, works, services)

Goods, works, services or other objects of civil law rights.

Simplified acquisition procedure

Competitive method of procurement, where the Organizer informs the Suppliers in advance of their requirement for the Products, invites them to submit their Bids on an expedited timeline and according to the rules provided for by the Documentation, examines those Bids and selects the Winner as the person complying with the requirements of the Documentation and offering the best contract performance terms as per a set of criteria defined in the Documentation.
Following the results of a Simplified Acquisition Procedure the Customer shall be under no obligation to select the Winner and enter into a contract with them.


Sequence of actions performed by the Organizer in accordance with the rules established by them and the System Regulations, and resulting in selection of the Supplier (Buyer) or forming the list of Suppliers (Buyers) for participation in Call for bids (for procurement or selling) to be subsequently held.

Procurement procedure / Call for bids (procuring)

A sequence of actions performed by the Organizer in accordance with the rules established by them and the System Regulations, resulting in selection of the Supplier, with which a contract for supply of the Products is going to be concluded.

Sale procedure / Call for bids (selling)

Sequence of actions performed by the Organizer in accordance with the rules established by them and with the System Regulations, resulting in selection of a Buyer to enter into a contract for selling of the Products.

Business day

Any day officially deemed working in the current year in the Russian Federation in a five-day workweek (from Monday to Friday, 10.00-18.00 MSK, except for non-working days and public holidays).

Framework agreement

The agreement concluded with the Suppliers, in which the parties express their intention to prepare and perform a number of legally significant actions (transactions) within a specified period of time, aimed at satisfying the Customer's requirement for the Products. At the same time, the Customer undertakes to invite the Suppliers to participate in the Calls for Bids, and the Suppliers undertake to participate in such Procedures within the established period of time. A Framework Agreement may be concluded based on the results of a Tender or Competitive Negotiations.


Action resulting in legal person’s or individual’s (including individual entrepreneur) getting accredited and being assigned a unique number in the System and included into the System Databases and obtaining unique login details to access Private Part of the System.

System Regulations

Document regulating relations associated with conducting the Procedures in e-form and establishing the order of interaction between the System Operator and the Members.

Reverse Auction

Competitive method of procurement, where the Organizer informs the Suppliers in advance of their requirement for the Products, invites them to submit their Bids, examines those Bids and selects the Winner as the person complying with the requirements of the Documentation and offering the lowest contract price.
Following the results of a Reverse Auction, the Customer shall be under no obligation to select the Winner and enter into a contract with them.

Section of B2B-Center System

Referred to together or separately:

  • “Private sector procurement” section enables conducting procurement and (or) sale procedures under the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other specialized statutory regulations, except for the Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On procurement of goods, works and services by legal entities of certain types” of 18.07.2011.
  • “Public sector procurement subject to 223-FZ” section enables conducting procurement procedures under the Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On procurement of goods, works and services by legal entities of certain types” of 18.07.2011.

В2В-Center System/ System

Information, analytical, trade and operational computer software owned by the Operator and designed to enable initiating and carrying out private-sector online procurement/ selling procedures subject to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation via “Private sector procurement” section of the System, as well as online procurement procedures subject to the Federal Law No. 223-FZ as of 18.07.2011 “On procurement of goods, works and services by legal entities of certain types” via “Public sector procurement subject to 223-FZ” section of the System.
The System comprises “Private sector procurement” and “Public sector procurement subject to 223-FZ” sections and is located on the Internet at http://www.b2b-center.ru.

Specialized Organization

Member performing certain functions of an Organizer within the scope of authorities granted by them by the Customer or the Organizer of a Procedure.

Methods of conducting procurement procedures

Types of calls for bids (for procuring) differing in specific procedural features and civil law consequences..

Methods of conducting sale procedures

Types of calls for bids (for selling) differing in specific procedural features and civil law consequences.

Price bid

An offer of a contract price submitted in real time mode in the course of online competition between the Bidders participating in an Auction/ Reverse Auction.

Stop list

List of Members having no Full Access to the System due to their violation of the System Regulations.


Legal entity or individual entrepreneur classified, in accordance with the conditions established by the Federal Law of No. 209-FZ “On Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Russian Federation of July 24, 2007, as small businesses, including microenterprises, and medium-sized enterprises.

Pricing Plan

A set of price terms of the agreement, determining the cost of granting the rights to use B2B-Center System to a Member, as well as calculation methods and charging arrangements, to be selected by a Member independently in the established form.

Competitive bidding

Auction and Tender, as well as other Procedures explicitly denominated as such in the applicable legislation.


A Member submitting, in due time, a Bid for participation in the relevant Procedures.
The term Bidder may be supplemented in the System by an attributive relating to a Procedure, to read as Tender Bidder, RFQ Bidder, etc.


Any legal entity or individual, including an individual entrepreneur, that has performed Registration in the System and having the right to use the functions of the System according to the access level (registered/ full membership).

E-Marketplace of the System/ Marketplace

A constituent part of the System, designed for conducting online calls for bids (for procurement or sale) via an established and formal procedure provided for by the System Regulations.


A period of time, limited to an event (expiration of a predetermined deadline, submission of required documents, etc.), based on the results of which an Organizer makes a decision regarding the Bidders (admission to the next stage, selection of the best one, etc.)

2. Terms and definitions relating to arrangement of e-document management

Term wording(s)


Accredited Certification Authority

A Сertification Authority recognized as complying with the requirements of applicable law for accredited certification authorities.

Public key certificate owner

A person to whom public key certificate has been issued in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law No. 63-FZ of 06.04.2011.

Machine-readable power of attorney

A digital form of a power of attorney in a machine readable format, signed with an Advanced Qualified E-Signature of the head of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, created and produced as an XML file, complying with the requirements approved by the Order of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation No. 858 dated 18.08.2021 "On Approval of the Uniform Requirements as to Machine-Readable Forms of Authorization Documents.

Qualified public key certificate

Public key certificate complying with the requirements established by the Federal Law No. 63-FZ of 06.04.2011 and other statutory regulations enacted consistently with those, generated by an accredited certification authority or a federal agency authorized in the field of using E-Signature (hereinafter – authorized federal agency), and thereby constituting a formal document.

Public Key

A unique sequence of characters, uniquely associated with a Private Key and intended to verify the authenticity of an E-Signature.

Private Key

A unique sequence of characters intended to generate an E-Signature.

Connected Certification Authority

An accredited Certification Authority, of which the information on its Root Certificates and Сertificate Revocation List distribution points are included in the EDM System.

E-Signature Verification/ Verification of E-Signature in E-Document

A positive result of checking, via an E-Signature Facility and a Public Key Certificate, to verify that the E-Signature affixed to an E-Document belongs to the Public Key Certificate Owner and no alterations were made to the E-Document signed with the E-Signature after its signing.

E-Signature User

A User having the rights to use the E-Signature functionality and authorized by the Public Key Certificate Owner with the proper documented authority to use the E-Signature within the System.

Simple E-Signature

E-Signature, which, through the use of codes, passwords or other facilities, confirms the fact of e-signature generation by a certain person.

Public key certificate

An electronic or paper document issued by the Certification Authority or an Authorized Person of the Certification Authority, confirming ownership of a Public Key Certificate by the Public Key Certificate Owner.

B2B-Center Electronic Document Management System/ EDMS

A part of the System enabling secure, third-party-protected exchange of E-Documents using E-Signatures in the System.

Сertificate Revocation List

E-Document with the E-Signature of the Authorized Person of the Certification Authority, including the list of serial numbers of Public Key Certificates, which, at the time of request generation, have been revoked (withdrawn) or suspended.
The time of generation of Сertificate Revocation List is determined by the value of the ThisUpdate field of Сertificate Revocation List. The moment of time until which Сertificate Revocation List is valid is determined by the value of the NextUpdate field of Сertificate Revocation List.

Certification Authority

A legal person, an individual entrepreneur or a state agency or a local government authority exercising functions to generate and issue public key certificates, as well as other functions provided for by the Federal Law No. 63-FZ of 06.04.2011.


A piece of information in electronic form, which is affixed to or otherwise related to other information in electronic form (the information to be signed) and is used to identify the signing person.

Electronic message

Information presented in electronic form, transmitted or received by the User and being an aggregate of structured data that can be processed by the software and hardware of the E-Marketplace.


Electronic message, signed with an E-Signature that can be converted, by the System facilities, into a form suitable for unambiguous perception of its content.

Advanced Qualified E-Signature

E-Signature within the meaning of the Federal Law No. 63-FZ "On Electronic Signature" of 06.04.2011.

3. Terms and definitions relating to additional services

Term wording(s)


Catalog of B2B-Center System

A module of “Information, analytical, trade and operational e-bidding system” computer software owned by the Operator, structured to host the information on the goods (and other products) and services (including works) offered by the Members working in B2B-Center System (“Private sector procurement” section) and e-marketplaces of B2B-Center System group, being integral parts of overall B2B-Center System, and of which the list is available on the Internet at http://www.b2b-center.ru/company/marketplaces.html.

Blocked Security Funds Sub-Account

A Member’s Sub-Account reflecting the funds blocked in the System upon a Member’s request as a Bid Security for participation in the Procedures.

Free Security Funds Sub-Account

A Member’s Sub-Account reflecting the Member’s available funds that can be used as a Bid Security.

Bid Security Amount

The amount of money put by a Member into a Bid Security Account to ensure participation in a Procedure.

Bid Security Account

The Account where the Operator maintains accounting of the flow of a Member’s funds submitted by them to the Operator for spending in the System as a Bid Security for participation in the Procedures. Bid Security Account comprises Blocked Security Funds Sub-Account and Free Security Funds Sub-Account.

Operator’s Account

Account owned by the Operator in Russian rubles and opened in a credit institution, designed for accounting of the Members’ funds.

Access Fee Account

Account, where the Operator maintains accounting of the flow of a Member’s funds submitted by them to the Operator for using in the System to pay for the right to use B2B-Center System granted by providing a remote access to the functionality of B2B-Center System via the Internet.

Member’s Account

Account, where the Operator maintains accounting of the flow of all Member’s funds submitted by them to the Operator for using in the System. Member's Account in the System is divided into Access Fee Account and Bid Security Account.

Unified Classification / Classification

Hierarchical classification applied in the System for systematic use in the procedures of the entire range of procured and sold products.

Service (Module) ‘My Procurement Master Data Directory’

Module of B2B-Center System used for automatic checking of a Member’s procurement activities for the purpose of analysis and optimization of the procured items and their parameters.

Directory item

A unit of the products range available in ‘My Procurement Master Data Directory’ Service.

Item parameters

Customized parameters or a set of parameters of a Directory Item, reflecting its properties, used in Calls for Bids.

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