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Announcement of sale No. 3973179 
MAZ 53366 flatbed truck

MAZ 53366 flatbed truck
MAZ 5336, 1995

OKPD2 category:  Автомобили грузовые с бензиновым двигателем, имеющие технически допустимую максимальную массу не более 3,5 т  Автомобили грузовые с бензиновым двигателем, имеющие технически допустимую максимальную массу свыше 3,5 т, но не более 12 т
Quantity:1 ед.
Per unit price:373 700,00 RUB (price incl. VAT, VAT: 20%)
Total cost:373 700,00 RUB (price incl. VAT)
Contract award criteria:Price incl. VAT (show both prices)
Publication date:
Bid submission deadline:08.04.2025 12:00
Last edited:07.03.2025 20:53
Organizer (Initiator):JSC "HOLDING ERSO INC"
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Per-item bid submission:Not applicable. Proposal shall cover the entire lot.
Hide prices and bidders' names during bids submission period:Yes
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Bid not supported by documentation will not be considered.
Payment terms:Payment for the Goods is made by the Buyer on the terms of 100% prepayment within 5 (five) business days from the date of signing the Contract/Specifications based on the invoice for payment, by transferring funds to the Supplier's current account.
Location and terms of delivery:Moscow
Shipment of Goods is carried out by the Seller after receiving 100% prepayment for the Goods, by pickup by and at the expense of the Buyer, from the Seller's warehouse.
The Buyer is obliged to pick up the Goods within 5 (five) business days from the date of receipt from the Seller of the notification of the Goods' readiness for shipment and payment in the manner and amount provided for in the Contract/relevant Specification to the Contract.
Georeferencing:Russia, 107023, Moscow, Elektrozavodskaya str., 21
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group (www.b2b-center.ru). Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
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