Groceries, canned goods, frozen vegetables, fruits, spices. Fixing prices of PJSC GC Cosmos; LLC "Onega Palace" for the period from 03/10/2025 to 04/13/2025
Groceries, canned goods, frozen vegetables, fruits, spices. Fixing prices of PJSC GC Cosmos; LLC "Onega Palace" for the period from 03/10/2025 to 04/13/2025 Groceries, canned goods, frozen vegetables, fruits, spices....Expand
Groceries, canned goods, frozen vegetables, fruits, spices. Fixing prices of PJSC GC Cosmos; LLC "Onega Palace" for the period from 03/10/2025 to 04/13/2025 Groceries, canned goods, frozen vegetables, fruits, spices.Collapse
OKPD2 category:
10 Продукты пищевые
10.3 Фрукты и овощи переработанные и консервированные
10.6 Продукция мукомольно-крупяного производства, крахмалы и крахмалопродукты
Show all (10 more)
10 Продукты пищевые
10.3 Фрукты и овощи переработанные и консервированные
10.6 Продукция мукомольно-крупяного производства, крахмалы и крахмалопродукты
10.39.21 Фрукты, ягоды и орехи, свежие или предварительно подвергнутые тепловой обработке, замороженные Ягоды свежие или предварительно подвергнутые тепловой обработке, замороженные
10.61.3 Крупа, мука грубого помола, гранулы и прочие продукты из зерновых культур
Bidders can submit a bid for separate items within the call for bids
Minimum bid increment/decrement
The Organizer has established a minimum decrement for a Bidder's changing per unit price for each item from their previously submitted proposal.
If within the last 10 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 10 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
10 minutes
Payment terms:
Non-cash payment,
deferred payment of 21 calendar days. day
Delivery terms:
Delivery is included in the price of the goods and is carried out by the supplier's transport.
185035, Russia, Rep. Karelia, Petrozavodsk, Center district, Kuibyshev str., 26
Venue of bidding:
This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group ( Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
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