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Request for Proposals No. 3981636 
Laboratory equipment of the Southern State University. MANDATORY PACKAGING ACCORDING TO GOST FOR THE CONDITIONS OF THE FAR NORTH!!! Mandatory attachment of Commercial Proposals on our form!!!. Without a Commercial Proposal, the proposal will be...

No.NameСумма по позиции, без НДС, RUBQuantityUnit of measurePer unit price
(show both prices)
Total limit price
(show both prices)
Number of bidders
376485Смеситель тип "Пьяная бочка"СМУ-ПБ-Р-1501114583.331штPrice not specifiedPrice not specified0
420661Смеситель С 50.0 "Пьяная бочка"8255001штPrice not specifiedPrice not specified0