Announcement of sale No. 3793088 
Unclaimed MTR (GENERAL ) of the branch of JSC "Quadra"-"Oryol generation"

Unclaimed MTR (GENERAL ) of the branch of JSC "Quadra"-"Oryol generation"

OKPD2 category:
25.9  Изделия металлические готовые прочие
Total cost:9 197 360,41 RUB (price incl. VAT)
Contract award criteria:Price incl. VAT (show both prices)
Publication date:
Bid submission deadline:07.10.2024 14:00
Last edited:16.09.2024 11:53
Organizer (Initiator):AO "KVADRA"
Additional info
Per-item bid submission
Bidders can submit a bid for separate (and not necessarily for all) items within the call for bids
Limit bids by the price specified in the procurement notice:Yes
Hide prices and bidders' names during bids submission period:Yes
Upload of bid-related documentation required
Bid not supported by documentation will not be considered.
Payment terms:According to the sale documentation
Location and terms of delivery:According to the sale documentation
Georeferencing:Russian Federation, 301363, Russia, Tula region, Aleksin, Energetikov str., 1
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group ( Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
Additional fields
E-signature info:Signed with e-signature

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Status of bidding: active.
Total bids: 0