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Request for Proposals No. 3981446 
Delivery of MBP (equipment) for the needs of LLC "HYPERGLOBUS". READ THE BID DOCUMENTATION

Delivery of MBP (equipment) for the needs of LLC "HYPERGLOBUS". READ THE BID DOCUMENTATION

OKPD2 category:  Препараты для уничтожения эктопаразитов (включая чесоточного клеща), инсектициды и репелленты
22.19.60  Предметы одежды и ее аксессуары из вулканизированной резины, кроме твердой резины (эбонита)  Перчатки резиновые
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Total price:Price not specified
Contract award criteria:price excl. of VAT (show basic price only)
Publication date:
Bid submission deadline:24.03.2025 10:00
Last edited:14.03.2025 16:10
Organizer (Initiator):"GIPERGLOBUS" OOO
Additional info
Per-item bid submission
Bidders can submit their proposals for certain lots of the call for bids, but necessarily for all the items within a selected lot
Not applicable. Proposal shall cover all the items of the selected lots
Upload of bid-related documents required
Bids not supported with documentation will not be considered.
Possibility of bid submission in a different currency
When applying, bidders can choose a currency different from the one stated for the procedure. For the purposes of bids evaluation, the prices provided in other currencies will be converted based on the official currency rate of the Russian Central Bank as of the date of publication of a call for bids.
If within the last 30 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 30 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
30 minutes
Payment terms:according to the bid documentation
Delivery terms:according to the bid documentation
Georeferencing:- 143082, Russia, Moscow, Krasnogorsk, Novorizhskoe highway, 22nd km, vl. 1, p. 1
- 101 Oktyabrsky Ave., Tver, Tver Region, 170043, Russia
- Russia, Moscow, Mitino, Dubravnaya str., possession 51
- 141109, Russia, Moscow region, Shchelkovo, Proletarsky ave., 18
- 142181, Russia, Moscow region, Klimovsk, Klimovsk, Molodezhnaya str., 11
- 28 Suzdalsky Ave., Vladimir, Vladimir Region, 600027, Russia
- 390507, Russia, Ryazan region, Ryazan, Ryazan district, Dyadkovo village, 1
- 150518, Russia, Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl district, settlement Krasny Bor, p. 1
- 141080, Russia, Moscow region, Korolev, Kommunalnaya str., 1
- 141206, Russia, Moscow region, Pushkino, Pushkinsky district, Pushkino, Krasnoarmeyskoye sh., vl. 105
- 108814, Russia, Moscow, Kommunarka, Sosenskoye settlement, village. Kommunarka, Alexandra Monakhova str., 61, p. 1
- 2a Shirokaya str., Medvedkovo, Moscow, 127282, Russia
- 143081, Russia, Moscow region, Odintsovo, Odintsovo district, S. Yudino, 55E
- 1A Generala Popova str., Kaluga, Kaluga Region, 248033, Russia
- 108811, Russia, Moscow, Salarievo, Kievskoe shosse, 23rd km, 1
- 142451, Russia, Moscow region, Elektrostal, village. Random, array 1, page 2
- 300045, Russia, Tula region, Tula, Leninsky district, s/p Ilyinskoe, Osinovaya Gora, Arkady Shipunov str., MKRN Levoberezhny, 1A
- 24 Novoryazanskoye sh., Kotelniki, Moscow region, 140054, Russia
- 48 Entuziastov Street, Balashikha, Moscow region, 143900, Russia
- 2A Novoukhtomskoe shosse, Kosino, Moscow, 111622, Russia
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group (www.b2b-center.ru). Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.

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Status of bidding: active.
Total bids: 0