Request for Proposals No. 549713 
Supply of non-destructive testing equipment and gas-analyzers for Q4 2015

This call for bids is archived
Participation in bidding is no longer possible. You may wish to check similar calls for bids currently available

Supply of non-destructive testing equipment and gas-analyzers for Q4 2015
Non-destructive testing units, gas analyzers (Buying)

OKDP category:3315651 
OKVED category:
Монтаж приборов контроля и регулирования технологических процессов;
Total price:820 000,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Contract award criteria:price excl. of VAT (show both prices)
Publication date:
Bid submission deadline:28.08.2015 09:25 (was extended by 25 min, 41 sec)
Bids opening date:28.08.2015 10:25
Last edited:18.08.2015 12:03
Organizer (Initiator):"TD "Evrosibenergo" LLC
Customer's postal address:664025, г. Иркутск, ул. Сухэ-Батора, 3
Customer's registered address:664025, г. Иркутск, ул. Сухэ-Батора, 3
Contact email
Buyer's contact phone number:+7 (3952) 79-22-36
Additional info
Call for bids subject to Federal Law No. 223-FZ:Yes
Per-item bid submission
Bidders can submit a bid for separate items within the call for bids
Upload of bid-related documents required
Bids not supported with documentation will not be considered.
Supplier should not be recorded in the register of mala fide suppliers
The Organizer has set a requirement as to the supplier's not being recorded in the register of mala fide suppliers. Supplier's compliance with this requirement shall be checked by the Organizer on their own.
If within the last 30 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 30 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
30 minutes
Payment terms:Предпочтительна оплата по факту поставки товара в течении 60 дней
Delivery terms:4 квартал 2015 г
Venue of bids examination:664011,г.Иркутск,ул.Рабочая 22
Date and time of bids consideration:01.09.2015 05:00
Results date and time:30.11.2015 05:00
Georeferencing:- 664025, г. Иркутск, ул. Сухэ-Батора, 3
- 664025, г. Иркутск, ул. Сухэ-Батора, 3
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group ( Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
Procurement documents provision procedure:Procurement documents in electronic form are available free of charge at B2B-Center marketplace ( starting from the date of publication of the procurement procedure.
E-signature info:Signed with e-signature
  Obtain bank guarantee

This call for bids is archived
Participation in bidding is no longer possible. You may wish to check similar calls for bids currently available

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Опубликовано: 18.08.2015 17:07
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Results reports
Final results report
Download file 01.10.2015_31502673272_приборы неразрушающего контроля.zip (153 Kb)
Latest submitted bids
Status of bidding: archived.
Organizer's decision:
The Organizer has announced the results on 23.10.2015 at 05:57
and selected winners:
  • "Sibteploelektrokomplekt" OOO – (Bidder 4) (Акимова О.М.) submitting a bid dated of 28.08.2015 08:25 totalling to 80 220,60 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
    on Item No. 1
  • "LKO" OOO – (Bidder 2) (Ронкер А.Ю.) submitting a bid dated of 09.09.2015 12:53 totalling to 155 857,63 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
    for items No. 4, 15, 16, 3
  • "PZEO" OOO – (Bidder 5) (Погосов О.М.) submitting a bid dated of 09.09.2015 12:51 totalling to 25 900,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
    on Item No. 5
  • "AVTOMATIKA TR" OOO – (Bidder 1) (Киркижова Е.А.) submitting a bid dated of 09.09.2015 11:07 totalling to 130 691,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
    for items No. 13, 2, 6, 11, 14
Reject all offers for items No. 7-9, 17
Notifications have been sent to bidders.
  • Rebidding No.1 is held on 08.09.2015 at 13:00
  • Rebidding No.2 is held on 09.09.2015 at 06:00
  • Rebidding No.3 is held on 09.09.2015 at 13:00
Price / offerCompany / Date Sorted by descending
155 857,63 RUB (amount without VAT)
Предложение по позициям №№ 3, 4, 15, 16
Bid submitted during Stage 3 of rebidding
Bid submitted for rebidding
Signed with e-signature
(Bidder 2) Ronker A.Iu.
09.09.2015 12:53:57
461 839,00 RUB (amount without VAT)
Предложение по позициям №№ 5-8, 13, 16
Bid submitted during Stage 3 of rebidding
Bid submitted for rebidding
Signed with e-signature
"PZEO" OOO (Bidder 5) Pogosov O.M. (inactive)
09.09.2015 12:51:16
740 349,00 RUB (amount without VAT)
Предложение по позициям №№ 1, 2, 4-6, 9, 11, 13-15, 17
Bid submitted during Stage 3 of rebidding
Bid submitted for rebidding
Signed with e-signature
"AVTOMATIKA TR" OOO (Bidder 1) Kirkizhova E.A.
09.09.2015 11:07:56
137 500,00 RUB (amount without VAT)
Предложение по позициям №№ 16
Bid submitted during Stage 1 of rebidding
Bid is admitted to Stage 3 of rebidding
Signed with e-signature
"EuroMet" OOO
(Bidder 3) Reis I.G.
07.09.2015 11:39:36
296 287,96 RUB (amount without VAT)
Предложение по позициям №№ 1, 4, 5, 13, 15, 16
Bid is admitted to Stage 3 of rebidding
Signed with e-signature
"Sibteploelektrokomplekt" OOO
(Bidder 4) Akimova O.M.
28.08.2015 08:25:42
Total bids: 5. More >>