Request for Proposals No. 3436104 
Delivery of resin cationite KU-2-8 for the needs of the Saratov branch of PJSC "T Plus"

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Delivery of resin cationite KU-2-8 for the needs of the Saratov branch of PJSC "T Plus"

Procurement method (according to the procurement regulations):Открытый запрос предложений в электронной форме
OKPD2 category:  Смолы ионообменные на основе синтетических или природных полимеров в первичных формах
OKVED2 category:
46.75  Торговля оптовая химическими продуктами
Quantity:13,445 t
Per unit price:158 845,40 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Total price:2 135 676,45 RUB (price excl. of VAT)
Contract award criteria:price excl. of VAT (show both prices)
Publication date:
Bid submission deadline:03.10.2023 10:00
Bids opening date:04.10.2023 10:00
Last edited:21.09.2023 15:19
Organizer (Initiator):Saratovskii filial "Volzhskaia TGK" OAO
Customer's postal address:410028, Россия, Саратовская область, г. Саратов, ул. Чернышевского, 124
Customer's registered address:410028, г.Саратов, ул.Чернышевского, 124
Contact email
Buyer's contact phone number:+7 (8452) 98-62-39
Additional info
Call for bids subject to Federal Law No. 223-FZ:Yes
Per-item bid submission:Not applicable. Proposal shall cover the entire lot.
Restriction on submission of a bid higher than previously submitted
Bidding initiator has set a restriction on submission of a bid with a price which is higher than the price of the previous bid submitted by the bidder. Once the bid is submitted, the stated price can not be increased.
Upload of bid-related documents required
Bids not supported with documentation will not be considered.
Supplier should not be recorded in the register of mala fide suppliers
The Organizer has set a requirement as to the supplier's not being recorded in the register of mala fide suppliers. Supplier's compliance with this requirement shall be checked by the Organizer on their own.
If within the last 30 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 30 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
30 minutes
Payment terms:Payment for a Batch of Products is made by the Buyer with a deferred payment of at least 30 and no more than 60 calendar days from the date of delivery of the Products (date of signing by the Parties of the COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS-12/UPD), provided that the Buyer is provided with a complete set of documents for payment for the Products:
- The original of the consignment note (form COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS-12)/UPD for Products signed by the Parties – 2 copies;
- Original invoice - 1 copy;
- Original invoice or UPD for shipped Products - 1 copy;
In case of conclusion of an agreement with the MSP, clause 3.2. is stated in the following wording:
Payment for the Batch of Products is made by the Buyer within 7 (seven) working days days from the date of delivery of the Batch of Products (date of signing by the Buyer of the invoice signed and sent to him by the Supplier in the form COMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCESS-12/UPD (universal transfer document)) on the basis of the invoice issued by the Supplier. The invoice is issued by the Supplier on time and in accordance with the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
Delivery terms:1. Products must be marked, packed in plastic bags according to GOST 17811-78, in a sealed package that ensures the safety of Products from spoilage, damage during transportation by all means of transport, overloading, storage. The designation of the product brand on the packaging and the passport (certificate) of quality must be identical. Products must be transported in thermofuras in the cold season (below +2C)
2.Labeling, packaging and accompanying documentation must strictly comply with the special requirements of regulatory and technical documentation
3.The container (packaging) is non-refundable
4.Delivery is carried out by shipping Products by rail or road by forces and at the expense of the Supplier, respectively, to the railway station of destination of the Consignee or to the warehouse of the Consignee. (according to column 28 of table 1)
5. The list and volumes of purchased products are preliminary and can be changed when adjusting the production program. The unit price obtained based on the results of the competitive procedure is not subject to change when adjusting the delivery volumes
6.Early delivery can be made only with the written consent of the Customer
7. The Customer has the right to refuse to accept Products according to the agreed specification if the delivery according to it is overdue by more than fifteen calendar days.
Venue of bids examination:410028, г.Саратов, ул.Чернышевского, 124
Date and time of bids consideration:14.11.2023 15:00
Results date and time:14.11.2023 15:00
Georeferencing:- Russia, Saratov region,410028, Saratov, Chernyshevsky str., 120
- Russia, 413800, Saratov region, Balakovo, Saratov highway, 8.
- Russia, Saratov region, 410028, Saratov, 1st passage, Azina str. 14
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group ( Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
Procurement documents provision procedure:Procurement documents in electronic form are available free of charge at B2B-Center marketplace ( starting from the date of publication of the procurement procedure.
Additional fields
Контактное лицо:
E-signature info:Signed with e-signature
  Obtain bank guarantee

This call for bids is archived
Participation in bidding is no longer possible. You may wish to check similar calls for bids currently available

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Номер извещения на ЕИС:
Results reports
Bids opening results report
Download file Протокол 24В-24 от 04.10.2023.pdf (229 Kb)
Bid evaluation report
Download file Протокол ЗК 24ПТ-24 от 19.10.2023_.pdf (187 Kb)
Rebidding No.1 results report
Download file Протокол 24В2-24 от 20.10.2023.pdf (230 Kb)
Rebidding No.2 results report
Download file Протокол ЗК 24ПТ2-24 от 23.10.2023.pdf (230 Kb)
Final results report
Latest submitted bids
Status of bidding: archived.
Organizer's decision:
The Organizer has announced the results on 31.10.2023 at 09:08
and selected the winner: OOO "ENERGOPROMRESURS" – (Bidder 2) (Чистякова Е.Н.) submitting a bid dated of 23.10.2023 12:17 totalling to 1 976 415,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)

Download Протокол ЗК 24П-24 от 30.10.2023_.pdf (281 Kb)

Notifications have been sent to bidders.
  • On-line Rebidding No.1 is held on 20.10.2023 at 10:00
  • On-line Rebidding No.2 is held on 23.10.2023 at 12:47
Price / offerCompany / Date Sorted by descending
The best offer
1 976 415,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)

Bid submitted during Stage 2 of rebidding
Bid submitted for rebidding
Signed with e-signature
(Bidder 2) Chistiakova E.N.
23.10.2023 12:17:09
1 987 300,00 RUB (price excl. of VAT)

Bid submitted during Stage 2 of rebidding
Bid submitted for rebidding
Signed with e-signature
(Bidder 1) Zhandarov N.N.
23.10.2023 12:14:23
Total bids: 2. More >>