the right to conclude a contract for the execution of the construction works of the object "retooling heat m-17 on the street. Old Bolsheviks 2Du600/2Du700. Plots from TC 17-25 (Millers) to TC and TC 17-23 17-21 to TC 17-17 (krasnyh Commanders)...
the right to conclude a contract for the execution of the construction works of the object "retooling heat m-17 on the street. Old Bolsheviks 2Du600/2Du700. Plots from TC 17-25 (Millers) to TC and TC 17-23 17-21 to TC 17-17 (krasnyh Commanders) "for the...Expand
the right to conclude a contract for the execution of the construction works of the object "retooling heat m-17 on the street. Old Bolsheviks 2Du600/2Du700. Plots from TC 17-25 (Millers) to TC and TC 17-23 17-21 to TC 17-17 (krasnyh Commanders) "for the needs of" UCC "Collapse
OKPD2 category: Работы по теплоизоляции трубопроводов для подачи горячей или охлажденной воды, котлов и трубных разводок
OKVED2 category:
43.29 Производство прочих строительно-монтажных работ
Устанавливается преимущество в отношении товаров российского происхождения, выполняемых работ, оказываемых услуг российскими лицами
Основанием для установки преимуществ в отношении товаров российского происхождения, а также товаров, происходящих из стран ЕАЭС, выполняемых работ, оказываемых услуг российскими лицами, а также лицами, зарегистрированными в странах ЕАЭС, является Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации о мерах по предоставлению национального режима в соответствии с пунктом 1 части 2 статьи 3-4 Федерального закона 223-ФЗ.
Вид требований национального режима
Основанием для установки указания запретов, ограничений закупок товаров, происходящих из иностранных государств, выполняемых работ, оказываемых услуг иностранными лицами является Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации о мерах по предоставлению национального режима в соответствии с пунктом 1 части 2 статьи 3-4 Федерального закона 223-ФЗ.
Требования не применяются
Per-item bid submission:
Not applicable. Proposal shall cover the entire lot.
Upload of bid-related documents required
Bids not supported with documentation will not be considered.
Supplier should not be recorded in the register of mala fide suppliers
The Organizer has set a requirement as to the supplier's not being recorded in the register of mala fide suppliers. Supplier's compliance with this requirement shall be checked by the Organizer on their own.
If within the last 30 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 30 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
30 minutes
Payment terms:
In accordance with the draft contract
Delivery terms:
start/end Term of execution of works: 10.07.2018 2018g.-25.12.2018 g.
Venue of bids examination:
г. Екатеринбург, пр-т Ленина, д. 38
Date and time of bids consideration:
29.06.2018 10:00
Results date and time:
29.06.2018 10:00
Свердловская область, Екатеринбург
Venue of bidding:
This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group ( Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
Procurement documents provision procedure:
Procurement documents in electronic form are available free of charge at B2B-Center marketplace ( starting from the date of publication of the procurement procedure.
Additional fields
This is not a competition, and it is not governed by articles 447-449 of part one of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. This procedure is also not public competition and is not governed by articles 1057-1061, part two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, this procedure does not impose on the customer adequate civil legal liabilities.
The customer has the right to abandon the present procurement, including complete purchasing procedure without determining the winner at any time, including after the signing of the Protocol on the results of the procurement, including the winner, bearing no liable to any natural or legal persons, as well as before the winner of the procurement
The Organizer has announced the results on 12.07.2018 at 08:07
and selected the winner: SK \"STROI-PROEKT\" OOO – (Bidder 1) (Ошнякова К.В.) submitting a bid dated of 13.06.2018 08:39 totalling to 50 754 176,00 RUB (price incl. VAT)
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