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Request for Proposals No. 3862906 
Relay for METALLOINVEST Group of Companies

No.NameЕНСНаименование позицииЗаводСрок поставкиQuantityUnit of measurePer unit price
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Total limit price
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1Реле РДКС-03РС 1-20 250В У2 IP651052042Rele skorosti RDKS-03RS minimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t1=1smaksimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t2=20s nominal'noe napriazhenie 250Vklimaticheskoe ispolnenie U2 kod IP65110017.02.20254ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
2Реле РП-20М-217 -220В 4З+4Р1133080Rele promezhutochnoe modernizirovannoe RP-20M-217 -220V 4Z+4R110014.01.20256ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
3Реле РЭВ-822 0,25-1 220В У3 IP001049464Rele vremeni REV-822 minimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t1=0,25s maksimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t2=1s nominal'noe napriazhenie 220V klimaticheskoe ispolnenie U3 kod IP00110012.03.20252ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
4Реле РЭП38Д-2-УХЛ4 220В1519328Rele elektromagnitnoe promezhutochnoe REP38D-2 rod toka peremennyinominal'noe napriazhenie 220V chislo kontaktov 3 zamykaiushchikh 3 razmykaiushchikhklimaticheskoe ispolnenie UKhL4110029.01.20252ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
5Реле ТРТ-142 140-550А УЗ1385217Rele toka TRT-142 minimal'noe znachenie ustavki toka 140A maksimal'noeznachenie ustavki toka 550A sposob prisoedineniia perednee nominal'noenapriazhenie 140V klimaticheskoe ispolnenie UZ110017.02.20259ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
6Реле времени РЭ16Т-22-1 1-10 75В У3 IP001522324Rele vremeni RE16T-22-1 minimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t1=1smaksimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t2=10s nominal'noe napriazhenie 75Vklimaticheskoe ispolnenie U3 kod IP00110028.01.20256ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
7Реле потока РПИ-40-11028854Rele potoka RPI-40-1 s indikatorom bez nasadki110023.01.20252ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
8Реле РВ3-22 1-36000 230В УХЛ4 IP401134900Rele vremeni RV3-22 minimal'noe znachenie vremeni t1=1c maksimal'noeznachenie ustanovki vremeni t2=36000s nominal'noe napriazhenie 230Vklimaticheskoe ispolnenie UKhL4 kod IP40120023.01.202527ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
9Реле РВЗ-14 0,1-60000 220В УХЛ4 IP001111051Rele vremeni RVZ-14 minimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t1=0,1s maksimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t2=60000s nominal'noe napriazhenie 220V klimaticheskoe ispolnenie UKhL4 kod IP00120026.02.20252ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
10Реле РВО-П2-26-08 1-60000 220В УХЛ4 IP101067134Rele vremeni RVO-P2-26-08 minimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t1=1s maksimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t2=60000s nominal'noe napriazhenie 220V klimaticheskoe ispolnenie UKhL4 kod IP10120028.01.202529ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
11Реле РВЦ-П2-У-8 0,1-60000 220В УХЛ3 IP101117656Rele vremeni RVTs-P2-U-8 minimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t1=0,1s maksimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t2=60000s nominal'noe napriazhenie 220V klimaticheskoe ispolnenie UKhL3 kod IP10120026.02.20256ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
12Реле РДКС-03РС 1-20 250В У2 IP651052042Rele skorosti RDKS-03RS minimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t1=1smaksimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t2=20s nominal'noe napriazhenie 250Vklimaticheskoe ispolnenie U2 kod IP65120026.02.20254ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
13Реле РКДМ-250 0,04-999 220В УХЛ3 IP211091251Rele kontrolia RKDM-250 minimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t1=0,04smaksimal'noe znachenie ustavki vremeni t2=999s nominal'noe napriazhenie220V klimaticheskoe ispolnenie UKhL3 kod IP21120016.01.202514ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
14Реле РМН-7011-6У3 РУСЬКРАНСНАБ1238545Rele mesto ustanovki kran greifernyi po katalozhnomu №RMN-7011-6U3RUS'KRANSNAB120030.10.20242ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
15Реле РП-21-004-УХЛ4 220В1534359Rele elektromagnitnoe promezhutochnoe RP-21-004 rod toka postoiannyinominal'noe napriazhenie 220V chislo kontaktov 4 perekliuchaiushchikh klimaticheskoe ispolnenie UKhL4120027.02.20255ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
16Реле РЭП-15-440-У3 220В1211651Rele elektromagnitnoe promezhutochnoe REP-15-440- rod toka peremennyi nominal'noe napriazhenie 220V chislo kontaktov4zamykaiushchikh 4razmykaiushchikh klimaticheskoe ispolnenie U3120028.03.20254ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
17Реле ТРН-25 5-25А УХЛ41552645Rele toka TRN-25 minimal'noe znachenie ustavki toka 5Amaksimal'noeznachenie ustavki toka 25A sposob prisoedineniia peredneenominal'noe napriazhenie 440V klimaticheskoe ispolnenie UKhL4120011.03.20252ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
18Реле ТРТ-141 М3-110А1093770Rele elektroteplovoe tokovoe TRT-141 M3-110A120006.02.202542ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
19Реле времени УТ24-Щ2.Р1091990Rele vremeni mikroprotsessornoe UT24-Shch2.R120028.03.20254ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified
20Реле РП-20М-217 -220В 4З+4Р1133080Rele promezhutochnoe modernizirovannoe RP-20M-217 -220V 4Z+4R210006.05.20254ШТPrice not specifiedPrice not specified

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