Request for Proposals No. 3839971 
Repair of heat exchange chambers of oil heating furnaces PTB-5 at the facilities of PJSC Tatneft

Repair of heat exchange chambers of oil heating furnaces PTB-5 at the facilities of PJSC Tatneft

OKPD2 category:
25.30.1  Котлы паровые и их части
25.30.12  Оборудование вспомогательное для использования вместе с паровыми котлами; конденсаторы для пароводяных или прочих паросиловых установок
Total price:Price not specified
Contract award criteria:price excl. of VAT (show both prices)
Publication date:
Bid submission deadline:08.11.2024 15:00
Last edited:29.10.2024 13:39
Organizer (Initiator):PAO "Tatneft'" im. V.D.Shashina
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Per-item bid submission
Bidders can submit their proposals for certain lots of the call for bids, but necessarily for all the items within a selected lot
Not applicable. Proposal shall cover all the items of the selected lots
Hide prices and bidders' names during bids submission period:Yes
Upload of bid-related documents required
Bids not supported with documentation will not be considered.
Payment terms:Advance payment is not provided (basic condition). In case of lack of readiness to perform work without advance payment, when submitting an offer for E-Marketplace, it is necessary to indicate the desired percentage of advance payment from the cost of the upcoming monthly amount of work/services. The possibility of advance payment based on the results of the tender will be coordinated with the management of PJSC Tatneft.
Settlements under the Contract are made by the Customer by transferring funds to the Contractor's current account / Contractor on the first working Tuesday or Thursday (whichever comes first) after 60 calendar days (basic conditions) from the date of signing by both parties of the UPD, subject to timely submission of the invoice. The Bidder at the tender can offer a discount for reducing the deferral of payment to 30 calendar days. The winner is selected by bringing prices with different payment terms to the same terms using a financial calculator (Appendix 8. "Financial Documents"), taking into account economic feasibility. In case of readiness to submit an offer with a deferred payment exceeding 60 calendar days, the Bidder must attach a letter indicating the extended period of deferred payment (on the company's letterhead) as part of the documentation.
Delivery terms:From the date of conclusion of the agreement (no later than 02/01/2025) to 30.09.2025. If it is impossible to complete the work within the specified time frame, it is necessary to provide a schedule indicating the possible deadlines for the work. According to the results of the tender, the updated schedule will undergo the approval procedure in PJSC Tatneft of the possibility of shifting the deadlines for the work.
Georeferencing:Russia, Rep. Tatarstan, Almetyevsk district
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group ( Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
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