Seller's auction No. 830431 
centroval'no 2G942 Milling Machine, Inv. No. 00047576

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centroval'no 2G942 Milling Machine, Inv. No. 00047576
centroval'no 2G942 Milling Machine, Inv. No. 00047576, year 1987 (Sale)

Quantity:1 шт.
Unit price of goods (services) in the lot:240 000,00 RUB (price incl. VAT, VAT: 18%)
Starting price of whole lot:240 000,00 RUB (price incl. VAT)
Contract award criteria:Price incl. VAT (show both prices)
Date of commencement of registration:
Bid submission deadline:19.06.2017 10:01
Bids evaluation date:19.06.2017 13:00
Auction start date:20.06.2017 14:00
Ending date of tenders:19.06.2017 10:32
Last edited:19.05.2017 12:35
Organizer (Initiator):PAO "KAMAZ"
Additional info
Bidding for unit of product/service:Yes
Preliminary consideration of auction bids
When submitting an auction bid, the bidders need to upload the documents to the System in accordance with the requirements of the auction documentation. On the basis of the received auction bids the Organizer will make decision concerning admission of the bidders to the auction bidding.
If within the last 10 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 10 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
10 minutes
Payment terms:100% Prepayment
Location of the lot and delivery terms:Pickup
Georeferencing:452755, Россия, Республика Башкортостан, г. Туймазы, ул.70 лет Октября, 17.
Link to detailed description of the goods (service):
Venue of bidding:This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group ( Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.
Additional fields

This call for bids is archived
Participation in bidding is no longer possible. You may wish to check similar calls for bids currently available
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Price according to the results of the bidding:240 000,00 RUB (price incl. VAT)
Status of auction:завершен.
Reserve price for the product unit in lot: 240 000,00 RUB (price incl. VAT, VAT: 18%)
Quantity: 1 шт.
Bid increment for product unit:12 000,00 RUB
Total bids: 1
Organizer's decision:
The Organizer has announced the results on 19.06.2017 at 10:34 and selected the winner \"TITAN\" OOO – (Bidder 1) (Васильев О.В.) submitting a bid dated of 26.05.2017 14:44 totalling to 240 000,00 RUB (price incl. VAT)


Bidders submitting bidsLatest bid
Total bidders submitting bids: 1