Tender for an irregular flight (dairy raw materials) P.Chany, MK Chanovsky-Shadrinsk- P.Vats, MK Chanovsky 10/25/2024
Loading point: Russia, Novosibirsk region, Chanovsky district, working settlement of Chany, Lenin Street, 260 JSC MASLOKOMBINAT CHANOVSKY
Unloading point: Kurgan region, Shadrinsk, Kalinina str.56 Branch "Shadrinsky Dairy Plant" JSC "H&EN" Transportation of dairy raw materials from 20tn to 26tn, non-regular flight, route P.Vats-Shadrinsk- P.Vats on 10/25/2024. The vehicle must have eyelets for seals on the drain box, on the CIP sink pipe, on top of sanitary boxes or manhole covers.Collapse
OKPD2 category:
49 Услуги сухопутного и трубопроводного транспорта
Not applicable. Proposal shall cover the entire lot.
Restriction on submission of a bid higher than previously submitted
Bidding initiator has set a restriction on submission of a bid with a price which is higher than the price of the previous bid submitted by the bidder. Once the bid is submitted, the stated price can not be increased.
Ranking of bids
In the course of bidding, a price-based rank (position) shall be assigned to a quotation.
Assignment of the 1st rank (position) to a bid does not imply the bidder's winning, but enhances the bid's preferability for the Buyer when selecting the winner, all other factors being equal.
Procurement documentation:
Not uploaded
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If within the last 10 minutes before bid submission deadline the best rank changes, bid submission deadline in the call for bids will be automatically extended by 10 minutes from the time when the latest bid was submitted.
This call for bids is held in electronic form on the e-marketplace of B2B-Center group (www.b2b-center.ru). Bids shall be submitted in the form of e-document.