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Request for Proposals No. 3546767 
Call for Bidding of veterinary drugs, vaccines, and dezsredstv for GAP Resource YL Meat-Milk Resource Mari branch, 425202, Republic of Mari El, Medvedevsky district, Krasnooktyabrsky, Krasnooktyabrsky village, Fabrichnaya str., zd. 100 according...

No.NameQuantityUnit of measurePer unit price
(show basic price only)
Total limit price
(show basic price only)
Number of bidders
69Димедрол, 1 мл, ампул30упPrice not specifiedPrice not specified0
70Анальгин, 1 мл, ампул30упPrice not specifiedPrice not specified0
71Парацетомол, 1 мл, ампул30упPrice not specifiedPrice not specified0

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