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Bid procedure titleBidding organizerDate publishedValid until
Спецодежда, СИЗ
Tender № 3587479

Type: Request for Proposals

Supply of tactical equipment IT IS MANDATORY TO FILL OUT APPENDIX No. 1 (In editable Excel format)
... Апполо АППИ-7 базовая Радио подсумок универсальный LC FG Подсумок для турникета Супер 76 ...
PAO "Vysochaishii"27.02.2024 03:4707.03.2024 10:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Спецодежда, СИЗ
Tender № 3548668

Type: Request for Proposals

Supply of tactical equipment
... Апполо АППИ-7 базовая Радио подсумок универсальный LC FG Подсумок для турникета Супер 76 ...
PAO "Vysochaishii"23.01.2024 06:0802.02.2024 10:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Инструмент, оснастка
Tender № 3541040

Type: Request for Proposals

Purchase of a tool for JSC "CHGGK"
"STENMIKS OKO" OOO16.01.2024 10:2224.01.2024 13:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Tender № 3385814

Type: Request for Proposals

BVR Specialist's Tool BVR Specialist's Tool
... горные технологии" Сумка ВВ (мастера-взрывника) Подсумок Средсв Инницирования Нож взрывника (ЕПБ при ...
"Sovremennye gornye tekhnologii" OOO29.07.2023 04:2202.08.2023 10:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Tender № 3269591

Type: Request for Proposals

Textile Goods for explosives for manufacturing for ZKM. Delivery to Nakhodka-Wrangel.The price MUST include the crate of the cargo. Textile Goods for explosives for manufacturing for ZKM. Delivery to Nakhodka-Wrangel.The price MUST include the crate of the cargo.
... детонаторная (мал) СВ с жесткими ячейками Подсумок для переноски взрывчатых материалов Перемычка вентиляционная ...
POLYMETAL TRADING, LTD28.03.2023 08:0804.04.2023 10:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Спецодежда, СИЗ
Tender № 3341644

Type: Request for Proposals

Additional round of selection of suppliers of personal protective equipment for Q3 2023 - 1Q 2024 for UC RUSAL enterprises and contractors Purchase of PPE for the 3rd quarter of 2023 - 1st quarter of 2024 (additional round)
... других химикатов при попадании в глаза Подсумка для ношения средств для промывки глаз ...
\"ISO\" OOO13.06.2023 11:4815.06.2023 14:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Медицинские расходные материалы
Tender № 3146865

Type: Request for Proposals

purchase of military ammunition and medicines military ammunition, medicines, dressings and tools.
... 5,45 двойной закрытый подсумок утилитарный узкий подсумок утилитарный широкий подсумок под пулеметный короб на ...
\"NIZhEGORODETs VOSTOK\" OOO09.11.2022 10:4925.11.2022 12:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Инструмент, оснастка
Tender № 2962790

Type: Request for Proposals

Delivery of the tool for JSC "Mnogovershinnoe" according to PZ 2022 Delivery of the tool for JSC "Mnogovershinnoe" according to PZ 2022
... алмазный Карандаш 3908-0088-С алмазный Подсумок электрика Шприц 400 мл. рычажно-плунжерный ...
"RDM" OOO18.04.2022 11:1014.05.2022 05:53 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Спецодежда, СИЗ
Tender № 2976237

Type: Request for Proposals

Purchase of special clothing, special shoes and PPE according to the terms of reference. Only regional suppliers are considered. Delivery from June to December 2022.. Purchase of special clothing, special shoes and PPE according to the terms of reference. Only regional suppliers are considered. Delivery from June to December 2022... Loading the KP is mandatory.
... излучений Маска ППМ-88 к ППФ Подсумок для противогаза промышленного Гофрированный шланг d ...
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO28.04.2022 07:1206.05.2022 16:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Спецодежда, СИЗ
Tender № 3002661

Type: Request for Proposals

Purchase of special clothing, special shoes and PPE according to the terms of reference. Only regional suppliers are considered. Delivery from June to December 2022.. Purchase of special clothing, special shoes and PPE according to the terms of reference. Only regional suppliers are considered. Delivery from June to December 2022... Loading the KP is mandatory.
... излучений Маска ППМ-88 к ППФ Подсумок для противогаза промышленного Гофрированный шланг d ...
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO30.05.2022 10:5501.06.2022 12:01 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Спецодежда, СИЗ
Tender № 3191608

Type: Request for Proposals

Selection of suppliers of personal protective equipment for Q2 2023 - Q1 2024 for UC RUSAL enterprises and contractors Purchase of PPE for the 2nd quarter of 2023 - 1st quarter of 2024.
... других химикатов при попадании в глаза Подсумка для ношения средств для промывки глаз ...
\"ISO\" OOO30.12.2022 11:1813.02.2023 11:43 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Инструмент, оснастка
Tender № 2573298

Type: Request for Proposals

Supply of tools for JSC "Mnogovershinnoye" under PZ 2021 Supply of tools for JSC "Mnogovershinnoye" under PZ 2021
... ножовочное 300 мм шаг 1,60мм Подсумок электрика Шприц 400 мл. рычажно-плунжерный ...
"RDM" OOO09.02.2021 05:0518.02.2021 23:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Инструмент, оснастка
Tender № 2726031

Type: Request for Proposals

CHTPZ tool. New applications.
JSC «Chelpipe».23.07.2021 06:2428.07.2021 13:24 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Горно-шахтное оборудование
Tender № 2821256 / 1

Type: Request for Proposals

JSC Novo-Shirokinskiy Rudnik_Supply of explosive materials, means of initiation, electric pipes, AGP granules. JSC Novo-Shirokinskiy Rudnik_Supply of explosive materials, means of initiation, electric pipes, AGP granules.
... цепи ХН-2570 Сумка - взрывника Подсумок-взрывника
"RDM" OOO11.11.2021 02:4818.11.2021 09:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Спецодежда, СИЗ
Tender № 2836120

Type: Request for Proposals

Purchase of special clothing, special shoes and PPE for 2022 according to the terms of reference. Only regional suppliers are considered. Purchase of special clothing, special shoes and PPE for 2022 according to the terms of reference. Agreement in the form of the Buyer without penalties for not sampling volumes. (CP loading is required)
... излучений Маска ППМ-88 к ППФ Подсумок для противогаза промышленного Гофрированный шланг d ...
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO25.11.2021 16:2101.12.2021 15:30 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Инструмент, оснастка
Tender № 1432323

Type: Request for Proposals

Purchase of tools for Novo-Shirokinsky mine JSC 2020
... стяжки (100 шт) Пневмопила ПШЛ-2 Подсумок поясной 7 карманов Полотно 403А-405А ...
"RDM" OOO28.01.2020 12:5113.02.2020 11:10 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Спецодежда, СИЗ
Tender № 2513826

Type: Request for Proposals

Purchase of specials clothing, special footwear and PPE for 2021 in accordance with the terms of reference. Only regional suppliers are considered. Purchase of specials clothing, special footwear and PPE for 2021 according to the terms of reference. Agreement in the form of the Buyer without penalties for not sampling volumes. (be sure to upload a commercial proposal)
... излучений Маска ППМ-88 к ППФ Подсумок для противогаза промышленного Гофрированный шланг d ...
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO24.11.2020 14:1507.12.2020 07:00 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Спецодежда, СИЗ
Tender № 1396203

Type: Request for Proposals

Specialist. clothing, special. Footwear and PPE to 2020god.Rassmatrivayutsya only regional suppliers Spets.odezhda, spec. footwear and PPE for the year 2020 according to the attached terms of reference and application. Treaty Pokumatelya form. (be sure to upload a commercial proposal)
... термостойкие Плащ для защиты от воды Подсумок для противогаза промышленного Подшлемник Подшлемник подшлемник ...
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO28.11.2019 09:3409.12.2019 07:05 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Спецодежда, СИЗ
Tender № 1407857

Type: Request for Proposals

Specialist. clothes, special shoes and PPE for 2020. Only regional suppliers are considered Special clothing, special. shoes and personal protective equipment for 2020 according to the attached terms of reference and application. The contract in the form of the Buyer without penalties for not sampling volumes. (be sure to upload a commercial proposal)
... сварщика Маска ППМ-88 к ППФ Подсумок для противогаза промышленного Гофрошланг(гофротрубка - ...
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO13.12.2019 09:0917.12.2019 09:15 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
Спецодежда, СИЗ
Tender № 1139751

Type: Request for Proposals

Spec. Clothing, specials. Shoes and 2019year Special clothing, specials. 2019 year according to the attached technical specification and application (be sure to upload a commercial proposal)
... со светофильтром промышленный противогаз ППМ-88 подсумок для противогаза промышленного мыло туалетное жидкое ...
"Donkarb Grafit" OOO29.11.2018 12:2510.12.2018 12:20 Add to Favorites Remove from Favorites
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